PowerPuff Girls Z: Miyako's Scene

Part 2 of the first PowerPuff Girls Z Story. Published at 8:40PM.

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PowerPuff Girls Z: Miyako's Scene

The next morning, Miyako was in the kitchen eating breakfast with her parents before she headed off to school. "So, Miyako how was the downtown festival with Momoko yesterday?" Miyako's mom asked. Miyako took a bite of food before answering, "It was great mom! Momoko and I got some Jin-pop merchandise and played different games at the festival!" Miyako showed a smile on her about the pervious day festival. Miyako's dad told a sip of coffee before putting it down on the table and looking at Miyako.  He asked, "That's great sweetie. What time did you get home last night? Your mom and I were asleep after a long day at work." Miyako's stopped eating and looked at her dad with calm eyes. "I got home at 10PM using the bus system and went straight to my room because I was very tried." Miyako let out a yawn while covering her mouth. Miyako's parents eyebrows were lifted a little bit and her mom raised a question. "10PM?! Did Momoko stay with you and walk you home? Or did she spend night in our house?" 

Miyako's mood felt slightly tense as she thought about her mom's questions and the expression of her dad. "Uh..," Miyako began to open her mouth, "Yes, I got home at 10PM and no Momoko did not stay with me or spend the night." Miyako let out a gulp and her voice was low. 

Then her dad spoke up, "Well, who walked home with you then?" 

"Boomer walked with me and Momoko walked home with Brick." Miyako answered.

"What!? Boomer and Brick? Why were they walking you girls home?" Her dad questioned with a slight angry tone.

Miyako was surprised at her dad's questions before moving her head to the side and back at her dad. "We met them at the festival yesterday and we were hanging out majority of the time." Miyako paused then continued, "After the festival ended, their offered to walk us home, since we live in the same neighborhood and we agreed to do so. Thats's it." Miyako's mom crossed her arms and moved her eyes on Miyako and got mad about what she heard.

"Boomer and Brick!!? You shouldn't be hanging out with those troublemakers! Especially Boomer! He causes the most trouble by pulling pranks in this neighborhood!" Miyako was shocked at what her mom said and was taken aback. Her dad also chimed in with a stern tone, "Yes, I agree with your mother. Those boys are always troublemakers and like to play rough with the other teens in neighborhood. I suggest you stay away from them." Miyako's head was down and she felt the weight of her parents' words like a huge boulder. She waited for a minute before suddenly standing up with a fierce stare at her parents. "Brick and Boomer are not always troublemakers!! They are actually decent people and Boomer is our neighbor! I don't see any problem with him walking me home!" Miyako shouted at her parents with an outburst they were not expecting. Miyako's dad stood up with a response, "How dare you yell at your parents! We know Boomer is not a good boy to be around." Miyako questioned her dad, "How do you know? You two haven't even been around him at all!" Miyako's dad was stunned and was going to reply until a hand appeared in front of him. "That's enough honey," Miyako's mom said to her partner. She then looked at Miyako, "Get ready for school, so we won't be late. Traffic going to be alot today." Miyako nodded to her mother and father before going to her room upstairs to grab her bookbag and school supplies. She walked downstairs and opened the door to head for her mom's car without saying a word. 

"What are we going to do?" questioned Miyako's dad. "Don't worry dear, we can talk about it later when you get home from work." Miyako's mom responded as she walked towards the stairs to their room. She grabbed her car keys and bag before walking downstairs while waving goodbye to her partner. "I will see you later. Call me if you need me anything." She opened the door and closed it before hopping into the driver's seat while her daughter was in the back seat.  Miyako's mom started the car and left the driveway heading to Tokyo City Middle School to drop off her daughter. Ten minutes go by as the car ride was silent and still as both passengers looked in opposite directions with straight faces.  Miyako's mom looked in the rearview mirror at her child before speaking up. "So Miyako, are you ready for school today?" Miyako didn't respond. "I heard the school is having a student body race between the top 2 candidates from your class in a math competition," Miyako's mom continued while driving on the road. Miyako kept silent while looking out the window at various buildings and signs in sight.

Miyako's mom sighed and thought about her next words while getting closer to the school. "Look Miyako, I know you are upset about what your father and I said about Boomer," she glanced at her daughter through the rearview mirror before focusing back on the road. "We want the best for you and you shouldn't be around that boy." Miyako slightly clenched her fist thinking of what to say back, but decided not to. "Yes, mom I understand," she replied in a monotone voice and straight face while looking out the window.  A few minutes later, they arrived at Tokyo City Middle School parking lot with other parents dropping off their child at the same location. "Bye sweetie, have a good day," said Miyako's mom as she smiled at her daughter. "Bye mom, I will see you later," Miyako replied in a low tone as she opened the car door and closed it afterwards, heading to the front entrance. 


7:53:35 PM Complete! 09/29/2024

Check out the previous part here! :) 


Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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