PPGZ Story Part 4: January Blues

The last part to my January Blues Story featuring Miyako and Boomer.

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PPGZ Story Part 4: January Blues

The classes within Tokyo City Middle School were packed on all three floors. Teachers were giving out assignments and having discussions with their class on the subject matter being taught. It is no different for Miyako, who enjoyed class discussions and answering all the questions asked by the teacher. Her teachers liked her for being a huge participant in their class.  

"What is the capital of Funko Country?"asked Mrs. Yukina to her class. A few students raised their hands and she called on them. "Satoru," one student answered. "No, it's not," Mrs. Yukina replied. She picked another student. "Meadowland," answered the student, but the teacher shook her head no. "Oh, don't forget about me!" said Miyako. Mrs. Yukina looked at Miyako and pointed at her. "The answer is Townsville and it was founded in 1893 by former Mayor Satoshi." Miyako answered confidently. "Yes, that is correct Miyako and you even knew who founded the capital city." Miyako nodded her head, "Yes, I have been studying since we have a test soon." The teacher nodded, "Well, good job and keep at it."

In a different classroom, it was half filled with trouble markers and some students who didn't pay attention. The teacher was Mr. Ryu and he was writing math problems on the board. "All right, class, what is the answer to this problem?" Mr. Ryu pointed to the board and it displayed a problem: (8+2-1)×3. The students in the class were passing notes or on their phones, except for one student. "I'll answer the question Mr. Ryu!" said Boomer excitedly as he raised his hand. 
Mr. Ryu smiled and responded, "That's great Boomer! Let's wait if someone else wants to answer the question." The other students were not paying attention and didn't look at the teacher. "*Sigh*, Okay you can answer the problem, Boomer." "Okay, so the answer is 27. I got the answer by adding the 8 and 2, which makes 10 and subtracted the 1 to equal 9. Then I multiplied 9 times 3 to get 27." Boomer explained with confidence. Mr. Ryu nodded his head and told him good job for working the problem correctly. After school was over, all the students of Tokyo City Middle School went home to enjoy their day. However, Miyako stayed in class to get some extra work done for her classes. "Oh wow, Miyako I didn't expect you to stay after school to study for the next test," the teacher exclaimed. "Of course, I must pass the next test with flying colors." Miyako responded mundanely. "Well, don't overwork yourself too much. I will be out in the next two hours." the teacher spoke. "Okay," said Miyako as she nodded.

In the hallway, Boomer was at his locker putting up his stuff and grabbing his backpack before walking out. As he walked out, he saw Miyako sitting down at a bench next to the school parking lot. He thought about walking up to her and got nervous until a voice rang out. "Oh hey Boomer! How are you doing?" Miyako asked as she waved at him. Boomer felt nervous and thought of ignoring her, after a few seconds he decided to walk up to her. "Hey, uhhh how are you doing Miyakooo?" Boomer asked nervously. "I'm all right, why don't you sit down next to me?" Miyako said as she patted the space next to her. "Uh, okay." Boomer sat down and was shivering for two minutes thinking of what to say. 

"Uhh, I-" "Today was a lot for me and I'm glad you are here." Miyako said out loud. She faced him with a straight face, " I had two tests today and it took a lot out of me to study beforehand." She looked down at the ground. " I couldn't even relax because I have another test in two days and I have to make sure I pass those." Boomer was taken back at Miyako's words and didn't know what to say. "Uh, well uh. That's good to know??" Boomer hesitated, but was asked another question. "How did your day go? Did you have any tests?" Miyako asked directly.

"Uh yeah, I had one test and two quizzes today," he smirked and  puffed out his chest, "and I passed all of them with a 110 score!"Miyako giggled.

"Really!? You passed all of them with a 110 score? You did better than me. Haha." 

"Of course! I am one of the smartest students at this school and the most popular one that wears dark blue!"

He then stood up with a semi serious face and looked at Miyako. "Oh okay, then," Miyako stood up facing Boomer with a semi serious face, "that means I too, is one of the smartest students and most popular that wears light blue! Hmm!" They stared at each other for a minute before bursting out into laughing. "Oh wow! I didn't know you would do that, Miyako. Ahahaha!" "Same here, you sounded like you won something! Hahaha!" The laugh stopped and they both looked at each other before Boomer spoke up. "Hey, I want to say thanks for stopping the argument between Momoko and Brick at the festival, the other day. I really had fun with everyone." "Same thing here. Thank you for walking me home after the festival too. I didn't know you were a gentleman." Boomer slightly blushed, "Uh, it is no problem. We are neighbors after all and uh yeah." Miyako smiled at his reaction and pulled a light blue wristband.

"Do you still have the wristband I got you after the festival?" Miyako questioned. Boomer nodded and pulled out his wristband from his backpack, which was a dark blue one.

"Okay, what are we doing with it?" Boomer asked. "Well, I was thinking we can create a name for our color shaded wristbands to remember the time we had at the festival." Miyako explained. "Hmm," Boomer thought, "well we both like blue, so that is a start." Miyako touched her chin and thinking of what to add. "Hmm, we both have birthdays in January, so... why don't we call it.."

*Honk Honk* A car pulled up on the street in front of Miyako and Boomer. "Miyako, I am here! It is time to go, we don't have much time!" Miyako's mom yelled out as she rolled down the window. "Well, I guess it is time for you to go Miy-" "January. We will call our wristband duo January Blues!" Miyako excitedly exclaimed. Boomer thought for a few seconds, "Uh huh, I see now! One is light blue and the other is dark blue, so that means we have the January Blues!" Miyako responded cheerly, "Yup! That is correct!"

A car honk was heard in front of them, "Miyako hurry up! We have to go now!" Miyako's mom yelled again. "All right, I have to go, but I will see you later!" Miyako said as she turned away and waved bye to Boomer. "Okay, I will see you later Miyako! Thanks for the wristband name!" Boomer said as he waved back. "No problem!" Miyako replied before getting in the car.

The day was over and both individuals had a rocky start to their morning, but a bright moment together made their day cheerful and complete! 


#JanuaryBlues #January2025 #JanuaryBlues2025 #PPPGZ #Writing

Completed on Friday, January 31st, 2025 at 9:04PMEST. 

Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the PowerPuff Girls franchise and PowerPuff Girls Z property. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Writer's Notes: Thank you everyone who read these four parts of my PowerPuff Girls Z January Blues fan story! I wanted to write this four-part story for Miyako and Boomer, because the month of January resembles the color blue and it fits for both characters. Boomer having a dark blue design and Miyako aka Bubbles having light blue design, which makes them opposites.

The next story series will be about the leaders from both groups for the month of February! Will the Rowdyruff leader be the one to win for once? Or will the Powerpuff leader be the reason why they are always winning? Find out next time on PPGZ and RRBZ February Frenemies!! Right here on Letterpad!! :)

Feel free to use my ideas for your own story, fan art or fan animation!! :)

Thanks for reading this blog post and I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to give feedback, comments or throughts under the blog post or at my accounts linked below! Have a great day! :)

Check out my Reddit account here: https://www.reddit.com/user/Fine-Arts-3446/

Check out my Twitter account here: https://x.com/writtensuccess1

Pervious part 3: powerpuff-girls-z-part-3-boomer-s-turn

Next mini series, part 5: https://writtensuccess1.letterpad.app/post/ppgz-story-part-5-the-two-color-difference


Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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