The pair of teenagers walked through the mall to the food court section displaying multiple food stations and restaurants of variety. Butch was excited to see everything in sight as the smell of the food enriched him. Kaoru was happy to see food as well and wanted a taste of something great. They saw a restaurant called Kaito's Stack and Shack and walked up to the line, waiting to place their order. As they waited in line, they heard a loud voice beside them with their attention focused on the scene.
"Give me all your food! Now!" said one guy with brown hair and a striped shirt talking to a guy with glasses and red hair.
"Yeah, give him your food," said another guy with black hair and a plain shirt.
The red haired teenager was sitting down at a table afraid of looking at the two guys standing before him. He didn't know what to say and tried to ignore them.
"Hey, did you hear me?! I said give me your food!" The brown haired teen spoke again and grabbed the red haired teen's shirt.
"Please, don't hurt me. I am really hungry!" said the red haired teen with his hands up in a defensive manner.
"We got to stop them," Kaoru stated to Butch while in line. "We can't sit here and let that guy get bullied!"
Butch grinned and rotated his shoulder in preparation for his next move. "Don't worry, Kaoru," he started walking towards the scene, "I got this and it will be over in no time." Kaoru nodded as Butch gave her a thumbs up.
"Hey, you two!" The two guys surrounding the red haired guy looked at Butch as he started to walk up. "Leave him alone or else!" Butch put his hands on his hips after clapping his hand with his fist. The two guys laughed out loud and started holding their stomachs. "HAHA!! Really? What are you going to do, pretty boy?" The brown haired guy said while looking at Butch. "Yeah, you can't hurt anything or anybody. HAHA!!" The black haired teen added.
Butch got mad and clenched his fist while charging towards the two guys. "Arghh! I will show you not to laugh at me!" Butch pulled his fist back and launched a punch on the brown haired guy's face. He did not move. Butch kept punching the guy and he was not phrased as a yawn was let out.
"How are you *huff* not *huff* going down?" Butch began to tire out and sat down in a chair beside the red haired guy breathing rapidly. "Is that it? Got any more fight in you?" The brown haired teen asked. "Hold on," Butch held up his hand, "can we settle this with tea, snacks and an hour and half movie about romance and drama?" The two guys looked at each other dumbfounded and one responded, "What did you just say?" Butch caught his breath and smiled before answering. "I said we should settle this with tea and snacks while talking about how we feel towards each other without resulting in physical action. What do you say?" He clapped his hands together waiting for their response. They both laughed, while the red haired guy snickered.
The black haired teen looked at Butch with a lame expression. "Dude, really? That sounds something like girls would say. Especially losers like you. HAHA!" He pointed at Butch and continued to laugh rapidly. Butch felt embarrassed and his head hung low on the table.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Kaoru stepped in front of the two teenage guys, who were laughing at Butch. The brown haired guy smirked before turning his attention to Kaoru. "Oh yeah? What are you going to do little girl? Drink some tea and watch a princess movie?" The black haired laughed at the comment, "Yeah, be a good little girl and hurry somewhere princess." he added. The red haired guy laughed at both remarks. "Why are you laughing," the black haired guy questioned the red haired guy, "after we take these two idiots, you're next!"
Suddenly, the air started to tense up and a force of energy was felt in the food court area of the mall. Everyone felt the same thing and looked at a girl who was radiating with energy. The black haired guy got scared and tapped the brown haired guy's shoulder as he pointed towards the girl. Kaoru's body started to light up in anger as a light green aura turned into a dark green tint.
"What did you just call ME!!?" Kaoru yelled out as her clenched fists started to raise. "Hmm, you heard what I said little girl. Do I need to repeat myself princess?" said the black haired guy intently with a smudge on his face. "I AM NOT," Kaoru started to run towards the two guys, "A", her right shoulder raised up, "PRINCESS!!" Kaoru's charged up fist connected on the black haired guy's face as he got sent flying across the mall into a food stand breaking the table.
The crowd was shocked and didn't expect something like that to happen with the teenagers causing a huge scene. The brown haired became instantly scared and started to panic. "What, what do I do," he thought nervously. He looked at the red haired guy next to him and pulled out a card from his pocket. "Uh.. here you can have this." The brown haired guy placed a card on the table in front of the red haired individual. "It's a gift card you use to buy any meal you want at Tokyo City Mall." The red haired guy examined the card. "Oh thanks! I can really use this!" said the red haired guy excitedly. Kaoru turned her head towards the brown haired teen and walked up to him.
"Oh hey! Do you want a gift card too? It has a long expiration date, so no need to worry about time." The brown haired teen pulled out another gift card and showed it to Kaoru. Kaoru looked at the card with her dark green aura surrounding her body and her fierce eyes staring at the person in front of her.
"Your gift card is....", she charges up her fist, "EXPIRED!!!" Kaoru's punch lands on his stomach and he begins to fall over. *Gasp*Both Butch and the red haired guy simultaneously covered their mouths in surprise. "AHHH!! That hurt," the brown haired teen said, holding his stomach while on the ground. He looks up at Kaoru and waves his hand in defense, "Please don't I won't bother anybody again!" Kaoru laughed maniacally and the teenage boy was sweating in fear. "It's too late for you because," she jumped in the air and started to spin, "IT'S OVER FOR," her foot started to glow green with energy, "YOU, PRINCESS!!!" She landed a roundhouse kick on the guy's face as he went flying into the air and landed in a stuffed animal store on the second floor with a bruised face.
"HAHAHA!! That is what you two get for messing me! HAHAHA!!" Kaoru's maniacally laugh and words echoed throughout the food court center of Tokyo City Mall in a crowd of shocked and excited faces from what they saw. "Uh...Hmm...I think it's a good time for us to go," Butch whispered nervously to the red haired guy. "Yeah... uh...Yeah, I agree too," the red haired guy quickly whispered in response.
Nighttime fell as the Tokyo City mall closed and everyone left the building with the parking lot being empty. A few blocks from the incident that took place was Butch and Kaoru were walking on the sidewalk carrying their belongings.
"Whew. Today has been a long and crazy day," Butch said while looking at Kaoru. "I was surprised to get the gift I needed after those two guys wanted to fight us. Haha." Kaoru looked at Butch with a smile before looking face forward. "I agree with you that, however my day wasn't too bad." Kaoru grinned. "I skipped school after lunch and skated my way down here to the mall. Haha."
Butch was surprised to hear that and thought of something. "Well, that's surprising. I thought you were a straight A, solid and popular student." Butch proudly stated to see how she would react. "HAHAHA!!" Kaoru began to laugh, "That's so funny because I am none of those things."
"So you are a lazy, unruly and failed student who doesn't care at all? Hmm, Interesting." Butch stated sarcastically with an insult attached. "WHAT! NO! I am not that bad of a student!" yelled Kaoru as she heard Butch's words. "But, you said you are not the first description, so I assume you are the whole opposite of it." Butch wittily said with a snaky tone as he started to chuckle.
"What's so funny!? Huh!" Kaoru retorted . "You're being mad at what I said. Haha!" Butch continued to laugh for a few seconds on what he did. Meanwhile, Kaoru started to fume and her face turned tomato red. "Oh really?! Says the guy who wanted to have tea, snacks and watch a romance movie after being afraid of two lowly bullies!!"
Butch's laughter shifted into shock, then anger after hearing Kaoru's words. "Well, I had to!! I couldn't hurt them, so the next best thing was to talk about our feelings in a proper manner!" Butch yelled back while his arms were moving comedically up and down.
"That's stupid! You're a RowdyRuff Boy! You're supposed to be rough and tough...or so I thought." Kaoru said as a stern remark.
"What! That's not fair! You're a PowerPuff Girl and you're supposed to be soft, caring and sweet, but you're not!" Butch said as a jab back.
The two teenagers locked eyes and stared each other down with anger as their teeth grinded together and their foreheads an inch apart. People who walked by began to see the two teens argue and watched to see what would unfold. Butch and Kaoru noticed a crowd forming around them and completely stopped.
"All right, I'm out. See ya later, softie." Kaoru told Butch before hopping on her skateboard and rode off to her home.
"Argh! Goodbye stupid, lazy metal head!" Butch yelled out as Kaoru rode away on her board.
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the PowerPuff Girls franchise and PowerPuff Girls Z property. All rights belong to their respective owners.
Thanks for reading part 9 of my PPGZ Mini Story Series featuring the RRBZ! Be on the lookout for part 10, which will be the final part in the March 2025 installment of the 1st quarter, seasonal calendar PPGZ character stories!
Have a great day and continue to be positive and confident with one's self!!
Published on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 at 2:20PMEST.
#Mall #PPGZ #RRBZ #March2025
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