The night fell as both teenagers slept through yesterday's activities and their sibling conversation. The morning arose for both teenagers as the alarm clock rang on their desk. One of them immediately turned it off, while the other let it into snooze mode. The older siblings have already left to their own duties and responsibilities for the day. At Tokyo Middle School, the parking lots are filled with students leaving their parents' cars and buses dropping off the students in a different lot. The sun shines as the wind blows calmly above the school rooftop as someone oversees the school entrance.
Momoko and Brick arrive at their lockers separately in the hallway to gather their items for the day. Momoko meets up with Miyako as they greet each other and discuss yesterday's downtown festival. Brick meets up with Boomer as they joke and laugh about the games they won against the girls and how they distracted them. The hallway bell rings and the students go to their first class to start the day.
"All right class, that is all for today. Make sure you do your homework." a teacher stated to their class full of students. The bell rang and all the students started to leave except for Momoko, who had her head down asleep. The teacher walks up to her desk, "Momoko, it is time to leave. Class is over." Momoko didn't move and kept sleeping. "Ms. Momoko Akatsutsumi! Wake up this instant!" The teacher yelled with her voice causing an echo. "Woah!" Momoko shot up from desk and started rubbing her eyes. "Who is it-" Momoko paused and saw a stern and scowl expression on her teacher's face, with her hands on her hips. "Oh Mrs. Watsuki! I, uh... uh... didn't notice you there. haha." Momoko held her hands up in defense while speaking nervously. Mrs. Watsuki tapped her foot while displaying her facial expression. "How many times did I tell you not to sleep in class?!" Momoko gulped and slowly answered, "Uh... multiple times." Mrs. Watsuki released her hands and relaxed her posture with a sigh. "Pack up your stuff and go to your next class." "Yes, ma'am I will!" After a quick reply Momoko grabbed her things and rushed out of the classroom. "Well, at least she won't be too late this time," Mrs. Watsuki said as she walked back to her desk filled with stacks of papers.
"Class dismissed everyone. Have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow." a teacher said as they stood up after the bell rang to end class. As the students packed their stuff, they noticed someone missing. "Has anyone seen Brick? I saw him this morning in the hallway." One of the students answered, "I think he skipped class, Mr. Shin." Mr. Shin perked his ears as his face frowned. "Oh really?" Mr. Shin asked slowly. "Yeah, I think so because I overheard him saying he doesn't like this class and it is boring," the student answered and got their stuff packed up. Mr. Shin clapped his hands together, "Okay, thank you for letting me know. Have a good day." The student nodded and left the classroom with the rest of the students. Mr. Shin went back to his desk to grade some papers when the classroom became empty. "What I am going to do with that boy," Mr. Shin sighed as he thought about Brick while grading papers. "Well, one thing for sure," he grabbed a sheet of paper and marked it. "He missed out on some extra credit."
The school bell rings to signal the start of the next class, which occurred in the afternoon. This class was one many students loved despite it being intense at times, especially two people who always showed up for: Gym class.
"Hello, everyone! My name is Mr. Maito and today I will be your gym instructor!" he yelled with an assertive tone. "Today, we are going to play dodgeball after warm-ups and exercise drills!! Attention!" Every student stood still in a salute pose and yelled out, "Hai!" as a response agreement. "All right I can't wait to wreck someone in dodgeball!" Momoko yelled excitedly as she looked at someone across the bleachers. She eyed her target and thought to herself, "Hehe, Brick. You may have beaten me at the stuffed animal and ring throwing contest," she clenched her fist, "but this time I will win!" Momoko's face lit up with determination with the gym lights focusing on her presence.
As warm-ups and exercise drills commenced, Mr. Maito was yelling and shouting to the students after each drill. He was using his whistle to end the drills and start new ones. *Whistle* "All right! That is enough! Everyone take a water break before we start dodgeball!!"
The students got water from their own bottles or used the water fountain to rehydrate themselves after a long set of drills and warm-ups during gym class. However, Brick didn't get any water, because he felt fine and not too winded. "Hehe. Those exercises were nothing and I didn't even break a sweat!" Brick exclaimed. He sat on the bleachers looking at other students getting water and saw Momoko in line. "Well, well, well," he thought to himself, "I can't wait to play some dodgeball and show her who is the best!" Brick showed a grin and got up to walk to the other side of the gym eyeing Momoko. "I will show you what I got!"
Mr. Maito blew his whistle and assigned captain roles to Momoko and Brick in a male versus female dodgeball competition and both sides were hyped. Both sides lined up ready to grab the dodgeballs and not be hit first on the draw. The whistle blew and both sides ran to center court grabbing the dodgeballs and pelting each other, causing the first outs. As both teams dwindled down on both sides, one female student and Momoko were left while one male student and Brick on the other side.
"Well, I never thought this would be it," Brick thought. He held a ball in his hand thinking of how to go about it. He looked at the student. "Hey, follow my lead." Brick moved quickly to the side and threw the ball at Momoko. Momoko sidestepped the ball and smirked, "Ha you missed!" she pointed out. The ball then curved at the female student behind her and she looked back. "Watch out!" Momoko yelled. The female student jumped out of the way from the curve ball, which bounced on the ground. The male student jumped up in the air and threw another ball at the female student, getting her out. "Yes!" Brick cheered. Momoko grabbed a ball near her and threw it fast like a softball towards the male student before he landed with a loud thud.
"Out!" Mr. Maito shouted. "The two captains remain! Let's see who wins!" The students on the bleachers glued their eyes to see what might unfold between the two captains of the class. Brick and Momoko eyed each other with a serious expression and looked around the floor to see which dodgeballs were on their side.
"So, are you going to make the first move or what?" Momoko asked.
"Nope, ladies first, since you are the leader of the Punypuff Girls! HAHA!" Brick laughed as he clenched his stomach.
"Arghh!! Very funny from the leader of the Sassysoft Boys! Idiot wannabe!!" Momoko retorted back at Brick.
"Why youuu!!" Brick stopped laughing. "You no good fake, wannabe pink hero slacker and complainer!" Brick reacted back.
"You no for brains, red, lazy and stupid childish villain with no feats!" Momoko returned with more words.
Both teenagers were going back and forth arguing on the court while the whole class were shocked, confused and laughing at the whole exchange. Mr. Maito blew his whistle to stop them. "As much as I like the competitive passion between both captains," Mr. Maito stated, " I want to see someone WIN and BE PUMMELED INTO THE GROUND! HAHAHA!" Everyone looked at Mr. Maito with a surprised look. "YES! YOU ALL HEARD ME! I WANT TO SOMEONE BE PUMMELED! HAHAHA!!"
Mr. Maito stood up with his arms out in a hand gesture as his loud deep voice sounded like a tv show character. Both Momoko and Brick looked at each other and a smirk formed on both their lips. They grabbed the nearest dodgeballs and threw them at Mr. Maito who was getting hit from all directions. "Go left and I will go right!" Momoko commanded. "On it!" Brick responded. Mr. Maito was not phrased and told them to hit him harder. Momoko then grabbed Brick's hand and placed it on a dodgeball. "Uh, what are you doing?" Brick questioned. "Put your energy into this one with me. It will knock him out." Momoko softly whispered in his ear. Brick blushed a little after Momoko got close to him. "Ready?" she asked firmly. "Of course!" he replied as he shook off the thought. He powered his energy into dodgeball alongside Momoko's and concentrated on the next throw.
"Blossom Brick Vortex Love Blast!!" They said in unison as the ball left their hands in a supersonic speed heading towards their gym teacher. The dodgeball connected on Mr. Maito's face for a few seconds before knocking him out cold on the ground. The students erupted in cheer as they clapped their hands in a standing ovation. "MOMO and BRICK, MOMO and BRICK, MOMO and BRICK, " the students shouted. Momoko looked at Brick as his face was stunned from what happened to Mr, Maito. She giggled at his reaction, then offered her hand out to him. "Truce?" she asked. He saw her hand and was receptive to the offer. "Truce." He shook her hand and nodded. "I guess that makes us friends, right?" Brick questioned. "No, I would say frenemies is a better term." Momoko answered. "Hmmm, what is that again?" Brick wondered. "Frenemies is when you are friends with someone, but you don't like them as much, so they are your enemy or rival," She explained. "Ohhh... okay that works," Brick understood as he nodded his head. "How about February Frenemies!" Brick exclaimed. "Since it's the month of February and we both like opposite colors of each other as the leader. Red and pink." Momoko jaw dropped on what Brick had said, but smiled in response. "You know what, that is a brilliant idea! Pink and red leaders! February Frenemies Forever!!" Momoko shouted as she jumped in the air. Brick followed suit and added, "Yeah, February Frenemies Forever!!"
The end of the February Frenemies
short story mini series starring Momoko and Brick for the month of February 2025! Thanks for reading my fan story! :)
Posted on Friday, February 28th, 2025 at 8:15PM EST.
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the PowerPuff Girls franchise and PowerPuff Girls Z property. All rights belong to their respective owners.
Writer's Notes: Thank you everyone who read these three parts of my PowerPuff Girls Z February Frenemies fan story! I wanted to write this three-part story for Momoko and Brick after the January Blues story, because it fits in line with the month of February resembling the colors red and pink for Valentine's Day. Both Momoko and Brick are the leaders of their respective groups and wear opposite colors, so the term frenemies can be applied in how they act towards each other in the anime and the original PowerPuff Girls series. It can also work because they are teens going back and forth with each other in a typical teen show, but they can work together in the end to stop the threat once and end for all.
The next story series will focus on the brawns and brusiers from both groups for the month of March! Who do you think it is? How will the story unfold? Are they considered underrated or overrated? Find out next time for another PPGZ short story mini-series right here on Letterpad!! :) Peace!
Feel free to use my ideas for your own story, fan art or fan animation!! :)
Thanks for reading this blog post and I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to give feedback, comments or throughts under the blog post or at my accounts linked below! Have a great day! :)
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Pervious Part 6:
Next mini series, Part 8: