"Goodbye Miyako and Boomer! We will see you later!" Momoko said as she waved to them, while going separate ways with Brick. The two leaders of their respective groups were walking home together after the downtown festival ended. Silence was among them on the sidewalk until Brick spoke up. "So, how did you enjoy our festival?" Brick sarcastically asked. "Our festival?! What do you mean by that?" Momoko questioned sharply. Brick ginned, "Because me and Boomer won most of the events against you girls," he put his hands behind his head. "I didn't even have to use my "special" move." Brick laughed obnoxiously. "Oh yeah! You guys won most of the games because you guys cheated like you always do!" Momoko responded as she pointed her finger at Brick. "Cheated!?" Brick's face lit up. "Yeah, every time we were about to win a team game, you or Boomer would say or do something ridiculous to interrupt our concentration!" Momoko boldly stated. Brick clenched his fists, "Well, it's not my fault that you girls can't concentrate. I was doing just fine. Hm." He crossed his arms and perked his head up in a snooty way. "Oh really!?" Momoko exclaimed as she touched her chin pondering on what to say. "Hmm, or maybe you were afraid to lose to a girl like me." Momoko winked at Brick as she pointed to herself.
"Pshhh. A girl like you," Brick smirked and brushed off her statement. "Please, I am nothing like Boomer and Butch, who fold easily to you girls' stupid tricks and phrases." He puffed out his chest and started to beat it. "I am Brick, the Red Leader of the RowdyRuff Boys and I won't lose to anyone!!" Brick eyed Momoko with a serious expression after his declaration. Momoko responded, "Haha! That's good to know because," she stepped up reciprocating the stare down. "I am Momoko, the Pink Leader of the Powerpuff Girls and I will never back down to anybody!!"
The stare down intensified by each second as both sides refused to flinch or move. The cool night air breezing past them as the sidewalk fiery standoff ensues.
“Hey, block head!” yelled a voice. “Mimi! What are you doing?!” yelled another voice. Momoko and Brick turned to the voices and instantly wore shocked expressions.
Eyecatcher Break. Haha. :)
Mokomo and Brick's shocked expressions overtook them and averted their opposing gaze. "Oh hey, we were just chatting about school." Momoko nervously said with her hand behind her head. The female figure scowled at the two, "Oh really?"
"Uh yes, we are. Right, Momoko?" Brick spoke up as he nudged the girl beside him nervously.
"It doesn't seem like that to me," the tall male voice stated with his arms crossed. "You two were arguing again about who is better. Aren't you?" Brick and Momoko hung their heads down and didn't respond. "I am waiting for an answer," said the male figure. The female figure nodded her head in agreement. Both teenagers remained silent until one of them spoke up. "Yes, we did...." Brick responded in a lowly voice. The tall, male figure pointed to the house behind him. "Go inside now blockhead, it's getting late out here." The female figure looked at Momoko, "You too Mimi. You should be getting ready for bed."
Both teenagers walked to their respective homes across from each other quietly without any goodbyes. The figures followed afterwards and closed the door behind them, as the night sky continued to be set in place.
The End.
Posted on Friday, February 28th, 2025.
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