A Kim Possible & Totally Spies One Write Story

Two spy shows, setting the scene for a prologue.

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A Kim Possible & Totally Spies One Write Story

Inside a tall building, two people are running on a floor filled with rooms and two glass windows on either end of the hallway. Both people are running in the same direction, one in the front and the behind them. "We are almost there! We need to hurry!" One voice yelled as they kept running. The other voice spoke up, "Right! Right! I know, let's take the stairs." Both people took the stairs and made it to the rooftop and opened it. However, they were stopped by a red hair, black long sleeve, grey pants spy named, "Kim Possible!" A voice rang out from one of the people and pointed a finger at Kim saying, "How did you find us?" Kim smirked and said, "It was simple. I knew you two minions would be here with the tracking device I put on you." One of the minions questioned, "What! A tracking device!?"

A small beep started to ring from their pocket and they both pulled out a small metal cube.  "No way! I didn't even notice it! I thought we would get away," said the other minion. "Not this time! I will stop you two right now," Kim got into a fighting stance and stared at one of them. "I am going to you two down, Minion A and Minion B!" Kim spoke with confidence using a stern tone. Both minions laughed, activated their suits with a button that showed letter A for one and letter B for the other. Then they crushed the tracking device and looked at their opponent with a serious face. "Well, I don't mind warming up against you for the time being," Minion A said. "I agree with you on this, because she is no match for the both of us," Minion B added. Both minions got into a fighting stance and all three were prepared to fight, as the night air was cool and passing through the rooftop area. 

Meanwhile, two people were having a conversation outside of a café in a downtown area. "Oh wow! I enjoyed the drink and food they served!" One person said to the other person. "Thanks Sam for taking us here! I really appreciate it!" Sam smiled at the statement and replied, "No problem, Alex! I had this place once and thought you would like it, so I'm glad you do!" Alex smiled and nodded her head, then they started walking down the street on the sidewalk.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a bus stop and sat down waiting by themselves. "Well, it's been a while since we talked or did anything together," said Alex while looking at Sam. "I know you have been busy recently and I was surprised to see you at the mall." Sam lowered her head down for a moment before responding. "Sigh, yeah that's right Alex. I had to study for two exams the past three weeks, while getting myself organized for the future." Alex gently touched Sam's shoulder and Sam looked at her. "I understand. I was studying too and I realize you have alot on your plate now, " Alex said. "Don't worry too much and remember to relax once in a while, Sam." Alex then removed her hand from Sam's shoulder.

A few minutes went by and Sam let a deep breath, then looked at Alex. "Thanks, Alex. I really appreciate your words and us being able to hang out tonight," Sam then paused for a second. "I really needed it and glad you called me." Alex smiled and gave Sam a thumbs up, "No problem! Anytime you need me, just go ahead and call me." "Yeah, you are more reliable than Clover at times." Sam said jokingly and both of them burst out laughing at thought of Clover. "I agree! She doesn't even answer her calls when we are in an emergency while on a mission. haha," Alex added on while laughing. "Don't get me started! She is always shopping or sightseeing about the newest "trends", going around while the mission is active. Hahaha!" Sam laughed as she those words and used air quotes for the trend word. They laughed a little bit more before the bus arrived at their stop, opening its doors.

Suddenly,  a loud ringing noise echoed in their bags and they pulled out a communicator device with an alert message. Alex and Sam open their devices and a news message popped up with a reporter on the screen, "Breaking News! There has been a robbery on Pine Street and footage of two people escaping to the rooftop of a building. There is also another person on the rooftop and looks like they are confronting the two individuals in a fight. Stay tuned for more news."  The message ended and both Alex and Sam had worrying looks on their faces. "What should we do?" Asked Alex. "I will go check it out. You can get on the bus." Sam said quickly. Alex was shocked and hesitated before she took a step forward. "Why are you waiting? Go ahead and get on the bus before it leaves." Sam said while putting away her communicator. Alex didn't move and saw Sam had a plain face. "All right, since you volunteered to go, make sure you are safe tonight." Alex put away her communicator and took steps towards the bus. Sam spoke as Alex reached the steps, "I won't be long and I will relay any information I find afterwards. Take care, Alex." Alex replied with a "you too"  and waved her hand goodbye to Sam as she got on the bus with the doors closed, taking her to the next stop. 

After the bus left, Sam looked around before bringing out a plastic pen and using it next to a wall to WOOHP herself into one of the bases. When she got inside the WOOHP base, she input the location of the robbery and was able to see the camera footage presented on the screen from the news story report. Two people were shown running up the stairs to a rooftop and another person stopping them in their tracks. Sam then saw the three engaging in a fight with hand-to-hand combat and using gadgets on each other. Sam put the location in her communicator and was able to trace it. She pressed a button which opened a gallery of gadgets and her spy suit inside a pod. Sam grabbed her spy suit, gadgets and first aid before clinging to a glider with hooks attached for stability and a parachute. A gate opened ready for her to launch as she pressed a button on the glider for it to fly saying, "Time to get into action!" 




Completed at 10:38PM on Sunday, June 16th, 2024- 6/16/2024


Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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