A Sonic Story: Prologue

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A Sonic Story: Prologue

It was a long day for the heroes of the city as they finished having a meeting with the city mayor. They have now walked home sharing a house the mayor has given them for saving the city. 


Whew! I am glad to be done for the day with having so many meetings with the mayor.

Tails responds to Sonic:

Right! I agree with you Sonic, it was kind of mundane, but needed so we can move forward on what is next.

Knuckles speaks up as well:

Sonic is right, the meetings were tiresome, but we had to do it. I have to make sure they fully understand about the Chaos Emeralds. 

Amy looks at Knuckles and asks a question:

Wait, I didn't understand why would you tell the mayor about the Chaos Emeralds?

Tails also looks at Knuckles and asks him the same question. Knuckles looks at them both and explains his reasoning. 

I had to tell the mayor about the Chaos Emeralds for two reasons. 

  1. I need them to understand the seriousness and danger the emeralds have when they are in the wrong hands.
  2. Whenever, they see one or get one, they can contact us at anytime and we can keep it safe away from Eggman or any enemy that threatens the city.

After hearing this, Tails and Amy nod their heads with a yes and see what Knuckles is saying. 

Tails responds:

I understand what you are saying Knuckles. You want us to have a safety net and line of communication with the Mayor incase anything happens.

Knuckles responds with a yes and looks at Sonic sitting on the couch.

Anything you want to say Sonic? It was you who helped safe the city and restored it with the help from us and the citizens. 

Sonic looks at Knuckles and smiles.

I don't have anything to say and I like your idea, because it can save us trouble from chasing Eggman all the time or constantly finding the Chaos Emeralds.

Knuckles nods and smiles then gives Sonic a fist bump.

Afterwards, the heroes are all relaxing until Big the Cat shows up at their house.

Big the Cat:

Hey guys! Have you seen Froggy around the city? I couldn't find him after we cleaned up the city. 

Amy responds to the question. 

No Big we haven't seen Froggy, but I can help you find him if you like.

Big smiles and jumps up and down.

Of course! I like help especially from the best heroes around!

Tails and Sonic scratch their heads and do a little sigh. Knuckles sits still with his eyes closed.


Uh thanks Big, but we are not that big of superheros in my opinion. We are doing what we think is right and helping others is we have always done. Except for Knuckles!

Amy, Sonic and Big burst out laughing at what Tails said. Knuckles opens his eyes and stares intensely at Tails.

What! I have helped you guys before! When Eggman was on Angel Island ready to take the Master Emerald, I helped you guys lead the way and teamed up to beat down his robots and mechs!

Tails smirked and laughed at Knuckles.

Yeah, you helped us after Eggman tricked you into letting him find and use the Master Emerald to power his machines. You also attacked Sonic and I for no reason and didn't apologize for what you did.

Knuckles got furious and raised his voice at Tails.

Why should I apologize for something I didn't know about! Eggman conceived me you two were the bad guys and I didn't even know you two until after the fact! 

Tails stood his ground and raised his voice at Knuckles.

Well, we tried to explain to you that we not the bad guys and Eggman was using you the whole time, but you didn't listen at all until he stole the Master Emermald in plain sight while we were fighting you!

Knuckles responded,

Yes! I understand that is my fault, but again I didn't know who you were at the time! My job was to protect the Master Emerald as the Guardian from anyone who is a threat. You saw what I did recently when Chaos was released from the Master Emerald and destroyed it entirely. I had to find and put all the pieces together! At least, I did something important than fail at building planes second fiddle fox!

Tails responded, 

That is true, but it doesn't erase the fact you attacked us both on Angel Island and when we first saw Eggman with Chaos! The Master Emerald was in jeopardy too, so how are you a great Guardian again?! What Guardian would be that stupid and lousy huh!!

Knuckles got more angry and charged at Tails. Tails was ready for the attack and got in a defensive stance. As Knuckles was closing in on Tails, Amy grabbed him and Big grabbed Tails and pull them both away from each other.

Amy spoke up at Knuckles,


Knuckles spoke up at Amy,


Amy yells back at Knuckles, 


Knuckles tenses up and was about to say something back to Amy, but he pauses as a though comes across his mind. "Friends?" The word Amy said echoes in his mind for a few seconds. He then calms down and speaks to Amy in a low voice.


Friends? I don't have any friends. The most important thing to me is protecting the Master Emerald.

Amy is surprised by what Knuckles said and responds,

Uh? What you do mean Knuckles? We are your friends and we helped each other defeat Eggman and Chaos! We even restored the city and met with the city Mayor!

Knuckles gives a loud mphm noise and rejects what Amy said to him.

Like I said, the Master Emerald is most important thing to me and as a Guardian and I must protect it with all cost. I appreciate the help with Eggman and Chaos, but I don't consider you all as friends.

Amy speaks back,

I don't believe for one second what you are saying Knuckles! We are friends and we helped each other and the citizens of the city! You even acknowledged Sonic and did a fist bump with him!

Knuckles speaks back,

Yes I did. However, Sonic was agreeing with my idea for the Chaos Emeralds involving us and the Mayor. Plus, Sonic is more of a rival to me and not a friend. Take it as you may.

Amy looked down at the ground with a sigh and was upset at what Knuckles said. Big the Cat overheard what Amy and Knuckles spoke about and looked at Tails.

Big the Cat,

Big do not like to see you two fight at all. Does not end well for the both of you. I want to see you two heroes get along and work together for each other and the citizens. 

Tails looks at Big and nods his head,

You are right Big. I shouldn't have fought with Knuckles and called him out for something he didn't know or even recognize at the time. I should be more aware when I bring up the Master Emerald or Angel Island around him.

Tails sighs and looks at Big with reassuring eyes and gives a little nod to him.

Tails speaks to Big,

I will go apologize to Knuckles and be the one to start this conversation on the right path.

Big puts a hand on Tails' shoulder and nods at him as he understands Tails.

Tails walks up to Amy and Knuckles after their conversation and faces Knuckles. 


Uh, Knuckles, I first want to say that I deeply apologize about what I said to you about not being helpful at all. I shouldn't have called you stupid and lousy as Guardian of the Master Emerald. 

Knuckles looks a bit surprised at what Tails said and spoke up as well,

Yeah I accept your apology Tails. I shouldn't have called you a failed mechanic and a second fiddle fox. My angry got the best of me and I was going to swing at you for no reason. 

Tails smiled and spoke again,

I accept your apology too Knuckles. Without you we couldn't find and use the Master Emerald shards to seal Chaos and Tikal put in the Master Emerald. You are definitely a great treasure hunter! 

Knuckles smiled back at Tails,

You are right Tails! Without your emerald radar and airplane to fly to the Egg Carrier to bring Sonic and help us with Chaos, we have been toast. You are a smart and technical fox after all!!

Tails and Knuckles both smile and shake hands with each other. Amy and Big look at the scene between the two and is very excited about the positive outcome!

Amy and Big both are happy,

Yay!!! Tails and Knuckles both apology and we can move on now to find Froggy!

Both said at the same time. Sonic on the other hand does a golf clap and everyone looks at him in a far away distance across the house.

Sonic speaks,

All right now that is over with, can we all go to sleep for tomorrow? I want to go out for a jog in the morning. 

Sonic yawns and his stomach rumbles a little bit.

But first, I have to get a late night snack before I go to bed. Haha. Sonic snacks here we go!

Sonic goes to the cabinet too look for  snacks, while Amy calls out his name to ask a question. 

Amy speaks,

Sonic! How could you just sit there and not help out Tails and Knuckles when they were arguing? Also, what about finding Froggy?

Sonic looked at Amy after he grabbed the snacks and opened up the bag. 

Sonic speaks,

Tails and Knuckles can handle their own problems with each other. I forgiven Knuckles for what did to us on Angel Island and Chaos. Eggman is a slick doctor after all and wants to control the world at any means necessary. Froggy can wait until tomorrow morning since it's late outside right now. After I do a morning jog, I can help out with the search.

Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Big all nods their heads and understand the night is being getting late when Sonic mentioned it.

Tails spoke up,

Well, all right then! Let's all go to sleep and look for Froggy in the morning!

Everyone responses with a yeah, expect for Knuckles who stays quiet. 

Tails spoke to Knuckles, 

Knuckles aren't you going to help us tomorrow morning on finding Froggy?

Knuckles shook his head no and responded, 

I can't everyone. I have to return to Angel Island to make sure everything is okay because I haven't been there in a while since Chaos flooded the whole city. I have to put back the Master Emerald back in place as well.

Amy spoke up next,

What? So you are saying the Master Emerald hasn't been put back, because you been busy helping the citizens? How are you okay with not being on Angel Island for a long time guarding the Master Emerald?

Knuckles responded, 

Yes, I have been helping you all because I see it as my fault that Chaos bought destruction on the city for being released and reaching level 7 using the Chaos Emeralds. I have to repay everyone and my tribe by doing something. 

Knuckles sighs and continues,

As far as the Master Emerald is concerned, I hid it on a nearby island in a cave away from the original spot. I added traps, weapons and puzzles that I can unlock but no one else can, to give the Master Emerald extra security. 

Everyone nods and understands Knuckles completely.

Big speaks up and says,

Well! Time to go to bed everyone! I can't wait to find Froggy tomorrow with everyone's help! Yay! 

Big smiles and everyone goes to bed in their respective rooms.

Meanwhile, in an outer space craft above the Earth's atmosphere. A scientist named Eggman is thinking of what to do next on his planned out conquest. 

Eggman speaks out loud,

This is not fair! Argh!!!! How can I lose to that Super Hedgehog and Level 7 Chaos monster I helped build by feeding it Chaos Emeralds! I had full control of the first form through fourth form!

After thinking for a few minutes, an idea pops in Eggman's head! 

Eggman says,

Oh wait! I remember something! I wrote down my next plans in a file cabinet in my Egg office, so let me go there and check for it in the drawer.

As Eggman looks through the file cabinet for his next plans, he pulls out the folder quickly and smiles at it until he saw a mysterious stack of paper fly out the drawer. As the paper stack falls to the ground, Eggman picks it up and sees the front page titled, "To my Grandson from Dr. Gerald, the Secret Must be not Hidden." Eggman is curious about the title and goes through the pages until he reads something he has never seen or heard before. He glances through the page until he reaches the bottom, where he finds a big bold, scratched out sentence that he can't read. 

Eggman takes the paper and puts it under a high tech scanner where it can reveal the scratches and uncover the sentence that is faded. Once the high tech scanner picks up the page and fixes the faded sentence, Eggman is shocked to read what he founded out on the screen.

The sentence reads, 

The one who knows me, will know the truth about the Ultimate Lifeform's purpose! One should know themselves fully without any regret! 

Eggman doesn't not understand what is Grandfather is saying, but he keeps going through the pages until he sees a passcode to a place he has heard about once, which is the: SPACE COLONY ARK!!!

The End.

Thanks for reading and have a great day! 

Oh yeah!!! :) 




Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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