A Story Introduction

The first part of a story idea

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A Story Introduction

The day was foggy, cloudy and slightly rainy. There was two people standing outside of a tall building with the name on a sign read, "Practice Area." The two people swiped your IDs on the door lock and it opened as they walked in. They both went to their respective lockers to put their stuff up, then walked outside to the training room. "Wow, this place looks amazing!" A tall girl with brown hair said while walking around the room. "Yeah, I heard they remodeled this place a few months ago with new technology." A tall guy with blonde hair replied while walking to a button pad on the wall. "That's great! It definitely took a while to upgrade this place after the last incident here." The girl said with excitement and ease. The guy nodded his head and replied, " I'm glad nothing too bad happened last time and we can train without interference." The girl agreed and walked to the center of the room.

The guy pressed a few buttons and walked to the opposite side of the girl, while the covers started to go down alongside the wall. A few seconds later, the walls were covered with a gray, metal bracket and a circle formed on the center of the celling. The two people were standing a few feet across from each other with a calm expression on their faces. "Hmm, it has been a while since we trained last," the girl said, then started stretching out her arms. She continued, "I know last time we had a close a match with a crowd of people watching us fight." The brown-haired girl was stretching her elbow and hands. The blonde-haired guy smirked before stretching out his knees in a sideways motion. "Indeed, it was a tough and drawn out fight last time, when the other fighters wanted to see us spar," the guy said, then stood up after stretching. The guy then cracked his knuckles and said, "This time I won't hold back and I'm definitely looking for a good training session!!" The girl laughed as she wrapped her hair in a tie before getting into a fighting stance. "All right I'll give you a good fight! Just be ready when I win!!" The girl had a serious expression after her statement and looking directly at her opponent. The guy got into his fighting stance showing a serious expression, "Fine! It's time to rock out!" 

The air was cool inside the training room as both opponents waited for the first move. The circle on the ceiling opened up as sunshine rays started beaming down on the two fighters. All of a sudden, the two fighters dashed towards each other with their fists out for an attack, as the screen pauses with a To Be Continued byline.


Posted on Thursday, July 4th, 2024 at 3:43PM! :)


Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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