DBZ Random Short

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DBZ Random Short

It was a long day for the Z-Fighters after saving the world, but now they have a different task to handle. A task they did not expect to happen. That is: cleaning up the destroyed city!!

As the Z-Fighters clean the city, one of them speaks up with a sigh.


I can't do this anymore. Why do we have to clean up the debris from the city?


Because the mayor and city council said we were responsible for the bringing the fight here.

Yamacha clinches his fist and starts to yell.

It was not our fault! The enemies were ones who said they wanted to fight somewhere else and told them the mountains or plains!! Then said they wanted to destroy the planet Earth.

Krilln, Tien, Chizato , Piccolo and Vegeta all agree with him. Then Goku and Gohan show up to help out with the wreckage going on. As they work on the cleaning and fixing the city, the citizens are being moved to a new city in the meantime. 



Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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