Superhero Interaction

A Micro Superhero Interaction. Posted on Tuesday, June 11th,2024.

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Superhero Interaction

The day was calm and sunny in the city covered by skyscrapers, sidewalks and street lights with high sounds of traffic. A building was in the far corner of the city with a sign named, "Headquarters".

On the top floor two individuals are having a conversation in the conference room. "I am glad you are here, Green Lantern. It's been a while."

A person with high-pitch voice said. Green Lantern was wearing street clothes in the room and replied, "No problem, Canary. I didn't realized you were here until one of the staff members told me to arrive here." Black Canary nodded and grabbed some papers from a cabinet nearby to show Green Lantern. "Since you are here, I have some documents for you to see." Black Canary said and handed them to Green Lantern. Green Lantern received the documents from Canary and read was on the paper. After a minute passes, a shocked face is shown on Green Lantern's face then stared at Black Canary. "Why I am receiving a bill for the destruction of Zooterry, when I barely did anything!" Green Lantern raised his voice. "You are the one who led the battle to a different location," Canary showed a picture of the Zooterry area destruction. "You even used a few specialty arrows, which bounced off the villain and flew to other buildings." Green Lantern retorted, "I had to use them or else the villain would have defeated us instantly! You were also there and saw me, Canary!" Green Lantern yelled.

Canary folded her arms and gave Green Lantern a serious look. "I know I was there! I even told you to hold on before you fired your arrows and to control your powers!" Green Lantern held his fist tight for a few seconds before letting go, while taking a deep breath. "You know what, you are right I should have controlled my powers during the fight and causing too much damage wasn't my intention." Green Lantern calmed said in a melo tone and looked at Black Canary in her eyes. "It's okay Green. I understand you wanted to take down the villain quickly, but next time listen when I say something." Canary responded with a calm and understanding tone then continued, "Don't worry too much, I covered most of the bill with our good reputation as superheroes, so the rest should be good." Green Lantern took a sigh of relief, stood up with the bill and walked past Canary while saying, "Thanks Canary, I will pay it soon and see you around." Green Lantern opened the door and left the conference room. 

When the door closed Black Canary had a smiling face saying, "Got'em!! Hahaha," as her voice echoed throughout the closed room. 

#superhero #funny #fiction


Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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